Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ohh 2011 - You were GREAT! :)

I don't think I have ever successfully completed a New Years resolution before! But for 2011 I did a 365 day picture album... Checkkk for my first successful resolution! Haha It was such a blast and to be quite honest I'm bummed I'm already finished with it!! I stinkin' love looking through it! 2011 has been an awesome year and I'm so glad I captured it in photographs! ;)

So, what have I learned from you 2011?!

- I am so proud to be a BOYER! :) I miss you Gramps! But I do know that family's can be together forever :)

- Some things I've "planned" for my life haven't quite worked out how I'd hoped.. But it's really been re-emphasized this year the need to put the Lord's plan first, we'll be happiest when we seek his will for us. :)

- Never take someone for granted. I love my family so much, I'm really grateful that we were able to turn to the Lord during my Mom's ordeal, and that he blessed us time and time again. He was really looking out for us, and I will never ever forget the Lord's love for me :)

- My life didn't end when Harry Potter did... (Yes, I really did think it might.) Call me a nerd. Call me a loser. But it was very depressing for me when the last of the Harry Potter's came out! Haha But I have found there are other things to live for ;)

- I finally picked a major.... and I LOVE IT!! International Studies with an emphasis in Health Science. It has been AWESOME. All my favorite things rolled into one! :)

- My family is incredible! Really, I love them SO much! I loved getting to travel around to see all of them during 2011! And honestly being an Aunt is my favorite job in the whole wide world. Who knew someone could have 16 best friends that are kids? I LOVE THEM! :)

- Some friendships never change with time :)

- I have made some new really really amazing friends this year! Love love love them all!!! I'm quite glad they meandered into my life :)

- I finally got my freaking license!!! Haha

- I've realized how kind people are. People truly are amazing, and have really really really really blessed my life this year!

- I went to my first ever BYU basketball game this year! Supa fun!!

- Chocolate and Bacon have the ability to fix ALL things!

- The scriptures are amazing. This year I really studied the four gospels in the New Testament. It's just been an incredible experience to really study the Savior's mortal ministry and to know that he lived and died for all of us! :)

- God lives. I have seen his hand in ALL things this year. He's been there to comfort me through all of my struggles. And boy, this year really was challenging, some of the hardest, scariest experiences in my life. But the Lord really will bring us through anything if we put our trust in him. I love him so very much! And I hope I can always do more to show him my love for him!

What now 2012?! My resolutions for this year: To be more GRATEFUL! ima keep a thankful journal, just writing everyday what I'm grateful for. Should be fun! I'm supa excited! :) And also, I found an awesome schedule for reading the entire standard works in one year, going to do that as well!! I'm super super super excited for 2012!!! :)