Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I am SO blessed!

I have seriously been SO blessed to live with the girls that I lived with this semester! Tonight we had an apartment Christmas party. I think it was my favorite night this entire semester. We went around in a circle and said all of our favorite memories of each other, and shared what we love about each other, and did a gift exchange. We were pretty much all balling. Seriously my roommates are absolutely amazing. I love them all so much and am SO grateful I had the opportunity to live with them. The end of this semester is pretty bittersweet though, my dear Natalie is getting married... And I am SO excited for her that she found her prince charming, but I'm so sad she won't be living with us again! And then good 'ol Shelley is headed back to Minnesota! For good! :( And Libby is going on a mission!! I am SO happy for everyone and the exciting changes going on in their lives, but I am seriously going to miss them so much. They have all been so wonderful to me, and I've really really really enjoyed this semester, and getting to know all of them. :)

Oh... and we also did a dog pile... fun stuff... check out the video, it's pretty funny ;)

And here's a picture of all of us!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Break :)

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24TH! I got my first letter from my best friend Tyler Atkinson from URUGUAY! Woooo! Pretty dang exciting, let me tell YOU! Haha.

THURSDAY! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hopped on the shuttle at five in the a.m. this morning and got to Provo six hours later! My lovely sister Collette picked me up. We went and saw the movie "Tangled" It was SO GOOD! Definitely a new favorite. ;) Then we had all the Thanksgiving necessities.... Turkey (Collette made a DELICIOUS turkey) potatoes, gravey, green beans, STUFFING (my personal favorite) and of course pumpkin pie! I was grateful to have a sister close that I could go spend the Holiday with! We also got to skype with family back in the midwest! Overall it was a pretty great day! :)

FRIDAY! Today I met up with my good friend Justin Torrance to say goodbye one last time before he leaves on his mission this week! YAY for missions!

And now I'm back up in Idaho and my roommates decorated the apartment for Christmas! I'm so excited! In 20 days I'm going to be flying to Arizona to spend a week with my big sister Becky, then flying to Michigan to spend Christmas with everyone there! Exciting stuff. :)