Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I am SO blessed!

I have seriously been SO blessed to live with the girls that I lived with this semester! Tonight we had an apartment Christmas party. I think it was my favorite night this entire semester. We went around in a circle and said all of our favorite memories of each other, and shared what we love about each other, and did a gift exchange. We were pretty much all balling. Seriously my roommates are absolutely amazing. I love them all so much and am SO grateful I had the opportunity to live with them. The end of this semester is pretty bittersweet though, my dear Natalie is getting married... And I am SO excited for her that she found her prince charming, but I'm so sad she won't be living with us again! And then good 'ol Shelley is headed back to Minnesota! For good! :( And Libby is going on a mission!! I am SO happy for everyone and the exciting changes going on in their lives, but I am seriously going to miss them so much. They have all been so wonderful to me, and I've really really really enjoyed this semester, and getting to know all of them. :)

Oh... and we also did a dog pile... fun stuff... check out the video, it's pretty funny ;)

And here's a picture of all of us!


  1. LOL! So could you not get on because it was so high? Or because you're an even bigger clutz than I am? Lol... nice work!

    Also. This might be weird. But when I first started college I thought making friends would be pointless because in a few months I would probably never see most of them again. But then I thought back over my life to all the people that had had an influence on my life. I thought of teachers mostly. But I thought about how, even though I didn't keep in contact with them, the short amount of time that I had with them was meaningful. I decided it was worth it. So I set out to learn as much as I could from people, and to be as good of an influence in their lives as I could. I haven't always been good at it, but it is something that I think is important and so I try. :)

  2. I love when you comment on my blog :)

    And that's actually something we've talked about. We're all so different, and we each bring something different to the table, and it would be so sad if we didn't see the opportunity we have to learn from each other. My roommate Natalie said that each one of us has something that she wants to do better at, and so we're each the example of that.. And I completely agree. One of my other roommates said a while back that the Lord puts people into our lives for a reason and it's up to us to figure out what that reason is... I like that. :)

    Ps. Isn't the video hysterical? I die laughing and have to keep replaying the part where I fall! So funny! And I think I fell because it was too high, and I was too excited ;)
