Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Alcohol, and why I hate it.

My 21st birthday is NEXT WEEK! With me turning 21 a lot of people have wondered why I choose to never drink alcohol. It's for you people that I have written this. These are my feelings explaining exactly why I hate alcohol and exactly why I have never, and will never put any of that CRAP near my lips!
Please read! :)

FIRST AND FOREMOST (One of the most important reasons to me!) I know that each of us can have the opportunity to be guided and directed by the Holy Ghost. I know that this guidance comes usually through a still small voice. Simple promptings, that keep us safe, and help us to be an influence for good in the lives of others. When you drink alcohol you are allowing a foreign substance to take control of your body and mind. If you cannot even control your actions (and will not be able to remember any of the things you did) you're forfeiting that sacred opportunity to be guided by the spirit. If you cannot think for yourself, you will not be able to hear or recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Why we would willingly forfeit that privilege is beyond me!

NEXT: Also VERY important to me! My family has done foster care since I was a little youngin'. I have seen children in my own home whose lives have been destroyed by alcohol. I have seen alcohol tear apart and suffocate marriages, and families. I have seen the affects of parents losing their sense and abusing their precious children. I have seen the affects of a child being born with alcohol fetal syndrome when a mother carelessly drinks while pregnant. I have heard about way too many car accidents resulting in death, due to drunk driving. Alcohol HARMS. I do not care how fun it is to party with your friends, I do not, and will never trust a substance that alters my mind.

I will never partake of a substance that makes me forget who I am, become distant to the promptings of the spirit, and harm those around me.
I. Hate. Alcohol.

If you made it to the end of this, thanks for reading my rant! <3 Aubrey Marie


  1. Great insight. Couldn't agree more. Love ya!

  2. Awesome job little seester! I'm proud of you and how you are always a strong example! Love you babe! Great job!

  3. Thank you my sweet sisters for commenting! Love you guys! :)
