Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Proposal

A year ago TODAY! Time freaking flies when you're having fun.

Last year on September 1st, Dallin flew to Michigan to stay with my family for a week. I knew he was going to propose to me while he was there, he told me by the time we hopped on our flight that next Saturday morning to head back out to Idaho together - I would be engaged.

EVERY DAY I thought he was going to pop the question, but I went to bed every night that week still single and still anxious to be officially engaged to my handsome best friend.

Wednesday night was the perfect set up for a proposal. We went to Lake Michigan to watch the sunset, and we went out to the fanciest restaurant in town. I KNEW IT WAS COMING. We rolled up our pant legs and waded in the water. So romantic. So perfect.

When we were finished in the water we started walking back up to the car. Dallin said "Aubrey, I want to ask you a question," I said... "Yeah???" and he got down on one knee and smiled sweetly up at me and said, "Can I roll your pant legs down for your?" You better believe I pushed him in the sand! I was not very pleased with his funny business. Wednesday night ended with me still being single.

Thursday came and went... still single.

Now Friday has GOT to be the DAY! Our flight was to leave early the next morning and I knew I would be engaged sometime within the next 24 hours.

Friday just so happened to be the first day of the Allegan County Fair. I LOVE the Allegan Country Fair. Due to going to school in Idaho I hadn't had the chance to go to the fair since high school. I was so beyond thrilled to be going with Dallin!!!!!!

We had an awesome time eating tons of food, walking through all the barns, listening to the concert, and realizing we couldn't ride as many rides as we once could. I seriously felt dizzy on everything except the ferris wheel, which we rode A LOT. It was almost 10 o'clock at night and I'm still walking around the fair a single lady. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that he is NEVER going to actually propose! It was killing me.

We decided we were both faired out and ready to go home. We decided to ride the gliders and then the ferris wheel one more time, for good measure. While on the ferris wheel Dallin said "Aubrey" very sweetly, I almost didn't hear him because I was making pretend retching noises, feeling just slightly dizzy from the ride. When I realized he was sounding sweet I quickly stopped the noises and said "What???" Then he started saying really sweet things about us spending eternity together and I thought my goodness! Here is comes!!!

While we were sitting at the top of the ride he pulled out a ring box... My heart was racing.... He opened the box, panic quickly showed on both of our faces as we realized the ring box was empty. HE HAD LOST MY RING!!!!! He checked his pockets frantically, and I looked everywhere in our seat. I was terrified as I realized that Dallin lost my engagement ring at the Allegan County Fair, and we would NEVER find it again.

.....I was still panicking and looking around the seat when I heard Dallin say my name, I looked up and he pulled another ring box out of his pocket. This one had the prettiest ring I had EVER seen in it. Still in a state of panic I grabbed the ring out of the box and shouted "PUT THIS ON MY FINGER!!!!!!" ...I didn't want to risk it falling, ya know? Apparently Dallin asked me to marry him three times while I was in the state of panic, but I didn't hear him due to me frantically looking for the ring... HA. I eventually said yes, and could not be any more happy about my decision!! We walked off the ferris wheel and I just couldn't stop staring at my hand. Happiest girl ever award went to me that night.

I love Dallin, jokes and hilarity are a big part of our relationship and I could not be more happy with how he proposed to me :)

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